Amoun Hotel Alexandria

Evaluare obținută în urma experienței agenților proprii, a partenerilor noștri, a aprecierilor turiștilor noștri și din alte surse disponibile public.

din 33 evaluări


32 El Nasr St., El Manshia, 9999, Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate

Descriere hotel

Amoun hotel location goes back to the historical Ancient Alexandria, being located on the south border of the ancient pharos island, where was the pharos lighthouse situated, nearby the Hypastadion, which was a 1300 meters long bridge connecting Pharos island with the rest of Ancient Alexandria, around the time of hypatia, which extends from Qitbay Castle to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Which tells the story of ancient and modern Alexandria in addition to being close to many tourist and commercial attractions, especially Alexandria International Maritime and Air Port where the hotel is located 3 minutes from the port of Alexandria by foot and 45 minutes from Alexandria Air Port, Borg El Arab, a 10-minute walk from Qitbay Castle, a 7-minute walk from the Bibliotheca Alexandrina on foot, 15 minutes from the historic Roman Theater and 30 minutes from the historic El Sawary column.


32 El Nasr St., El Manshia, 9999, Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate