Oferte Cazare Hoteluri Mont Fleuri 2024, cu preturi minime

Am gasit 2 variante de cazare in Mont Fleuri

Preturi pornind de la 289.50 EUR / noapte

Actualizam rezultatele conform selectiilor tale...

Oferta cazare  la Cerf Island Resort

Oferta cazare Ile au Cerf Seychelles

Oferta cazare  la Eden Bleu Hotel

Oferta cazare Eden Island Seychelles

Boosting the perfect location in Seychelles, the perfect paradise for nature lovers that can truly enjoy snorkeling, surfing, rock climbing, or just take a flight in the helicopter if you are looking for a unique experience. Discover the wonderful places as the Clock Tower, or pass through the Le Jardin du Roi Spice Garden, where local spices have influenced the island economy, or maybe visit the Tea Factory where the plantation and the process can be seen. For the business traveler hotel provides a meeting room overlooking marina, and for the visitors searching for new culinary experiences the on-site restaurant with Seychelles cuisine is available. Modern and spacious rooms invite the guest to enjoy their holiday in a blissful atmosphere. They come with WIFI, hairdryer, and bathrooms with separate showers. Some may have garden view, or marina view, to offer the highest level of relaxation.

Destinații populare pentru cazare in Mont Fleuri

Cazare Ile au Cerf

Mont Fleuri

Cazare Ile au Cerf

Cazare Eden Island

Mont Fleuri

Cazare Eden Island

Descopera toata gama de oferte turistice in Mont Fleuri

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